How To Be A Good Mother: Pro tips you need to know

How To Be A Good Mother

What is it that defines what it means to be a great mother? What criteria do you use to determine what standards, or what are the values? Are the educational choices we make to provide our child with the best one? Is there a right and wrong way to raise your child? Do you have to be a bad mother?

As Arthur came into the world, Fabien and I first decided on the values we considered crucial for us. Then, we worked daily to ensure our family’s happiness by embracing the power of positive parental guidance. Here, I will share the fruits of my thinking and experiences and the lessons my children, Arthur, Gaspard, and Constance, have taught me about the importance of positive learning.

A good mother will be a friend.

If there was one thing to remember in this regard, then your child should be encouraged and aided. To learn how to do it on his own, he must observe the process of repeating the same thing and perform it at least as often as needed. The goal is to allow him to take it on by himself and only intervene when there is a desire or need after you have shown him how to accomplish it.

Do not hesitate to include and engage the child in daily activities. Practical life is an essential element of Montessori teaching, in which children take great delight in growing alongside us.

Suppose education for children is one of your priorities. In that case, It is crucial to recognize that spending a significant amount of time with your children is vital for raising them in an environment of voluntary cooperation and enables you to stay clear of a relationship of authority and power.

Give examples of the (imperfect) Super Mom to her child.

Use the following example. Between 0 and 6 old, a child is blessed with an insatiable mind. He can observe and print everything fascinatingly. The more we live out, the more we expect from our child as we build our credibility and conserve our energy in the future.

In putting in the effort to set the example we would like to model, we enable your child to be confident in our conduct and speech as they’ll remain constant.

But Super Mom does not mean the perfect mother! Being able to admit whenever you’ve made mistakes, even if you did not get the correct response, and displaying the exemplary illustration of the human mom.


Create a Super Woman group.

Prioritize your work and take care of the rest with a defined system. As a mom, you must prioritize everything, and everything must be completed on time, right? Stop! What’s the reason for all this pressure? It’s because we “break” every 30 seconds. We think about what’s most urgent right now and the reason. We then remove the rest of it without making any compromises. What is the harm when the floor is smothered with semolina? It’ll have dried by the next day, and it is much simpler to clean it (technique of an unflappable mother). Are we worried that our child sifts through the cupboard of kitchen appliances (from where we’ve removed dangers to ensure the safety of our environment) because he’s excited to work with the items?

Practice active listening

Being attentive to your child’s needs does not mean just saying, “Yes, sweetheart?” >>, “Wow! >Or “Aaah!” OK, darling. “. Listening actively to your child’s needs will mean getting to their level and looking them in the eye (rather than avoiding looking up because your eyes are on the dish or laundry hamper).

This is about giving him your full attention by rewriting his message to demonstrate that you’re paying attention and comprehending his message by asking questions to demonstrate that you, indeed, are keen on what he’s telling you.

Be well-rounded and create an organization.

Whether it’s your partner, family members, relatives, or even elders, a mother must be surrounded by her family. Transfer the baton whenever it is necessary, and most importantly, before the time it is needed. Refill your emotional tank by visiting your parents. Please take advantage of the help offered by your child’s Auntie or the parent of your kid’s most precious friend who is willing to take the children to pick them up tonight because she is in the same area as you.

Be sure to care for yourself to be a great mother.

Like I always claim, you just give the best you can. It is crucial to consider your mental and physical well-being to be capable of giving your best to your family members.

Being a good mother means being your most trusted friend. Being kind to yourself is a way of being. Find out what you need to feel more positive every day. It’s about making your personal development an endeavor on its own.

To be a great mother to a child who

It is important to consider whom you want to “be a good mother” for. In this case, I am asking whether you would like to be similar to that “perfect mom” who can be trusted to obey and maintain control over her environment. This is the model that you see in is reflected by the gaze of those around you at you, focusing on you at the store in the event of a ” temper outrage. ” For you, “being a good mother” symbolizes the path to the values that are important to you.

It is worth taking the time to consider what kind of parent you would like to be based on your values and then deciding to do something to help your values shine in your family. This, for me, is being a great mother.


Tips For Being A Good Mom

Be You.

There is no need to sacrifice your interests and passions when you become a mom. It’s essential to make time for what you enjoy. Writing, reading, exercising… Make it a priority, and then find ways to incorporate it into your daily routine. It’s a lot easier said than done, but you must, at minimum, try to keep doing what you love, even if it may not be as frequently as you did previously. If you value your personal needs, you’ll be more content, and becoming a mother will be less stressful.


Guilt seems to be a trait all mothers share. One friend of mine once told me she was constantly feeling guilty. I, too, often feel guilty about feeling guilty. However, I’m working on the issue. It’s an utter use of energy and time. Each time you make an important decision, whether it’s a major one, such as staying at home or going back to work, or a minor one, such as giving your kids a chance to play games on the computer while you take a moment for yourself, you should try not to rethink. Make this choice. You’re doing the best you can. There is no perfect person, and you’re certainly not required to be the perfect mom who isn’t prone to making mistakes. So long as you are devoted to them and fulfill your kids’ basic needs, it will be okay. Actually.


Raising children is hard work. Children can be noisy, dirty, messy, and highly demanding. You will lose your patience at times. But, as often as possible, you can breathe deeply and look at them as the helpless beings they are. I am not a calm individual by nature, but being a mother has helped me become more patient than I imagined.


Teaching children from an early age to differentiate between happiness and the accumulation of possessions will be an enormous, massive favor. The younger they get and the less they pay attention to you, therefore, start at an early age. My kids are 8 and 6 years old, and I believe it’s the perfect time to educate them about my values and the influence of their friends on them before they become teenagers. When it’s time to go shopping, my daughters are with me as we discuss why we don’t need these things. We don’t shop like it’s a great time. People realize that shopping can be an absolute necessity when we require something. Instead of purchasing books, we take them out of the library. We recycle as much as possible and try to have a tidy, simple house.


Self-esteem is the most valuable present a parent can offer their child. A child with positive self-esteem knows their worth and does not become involved in or remain in unhealthy relationships. Anyone with reasonable self-confidence will likely be content and maximize their potential. How do you instill self-esteem in your children? By rewarding them, being with them, and being attentive to their stories.

DO NOT TRY TO BE perfect.

Aiming for perfection is not a good idea since life is messy, unpredictable, and full of unexpected events. Pursuing perfection, or having total control over all things, is not feasible and shouldn’t be the goal of your life. As a mother, the world gets even messier and chaotic, so stopping the desire for perfection is crucial. It is essential to accept that the home can be messy, that the food is ordered but not cooked, and that your children will have to fend for themselves as you recharge your batteries.

Pay attention to your children.

Take the time to listen to them. We think we have more knowledge than our children and do not bother listening to them. We are also ready-made experts in solving problems, offering instant advice, even if they only want a listening ear. In the last few months, my 8-year-old daughter came to me and told me about the problems she was experiencing with her friends at school. I quickly offered her a solution, and it was evident that she was dissatisfied because she had not sought a solution. She simply needed to be heard, too.


Me, too, was pressured to be better than myself as a young person, and I can confirm that pursuing success is not the path to happiness. I want my children to be successful. I want them to realize their potential and be financially assured. However, I try not to pressure them too much and remain calm about their academic performance and extracurricular activities.


Another issue that I struggle with daily. It’s tempting to assist your children, but you should stop them from caring for themselves. At every level of their development, they will be able to take on tasks on their own. If you help him with them, your child is not helping him, and you’re hindering his progress. Let him gradually gain independence and choose whatever he wants to do in a way that is right for him. The joy of being independent is essential for children. I was reading the book P Envelope, which impressed me: the best parents recognize how to eliminate themselves from the perception. While I am deeply grateful that my children depend on me, I have let them be as independent and self-sufficient as they can be.

SING, Laugh, and Have Fun!

If you’re a mom, it’s easy to get involved in the mommy thing and forget to take a break and enjoy yourself. Children are enjoyable. They offer you the incredible opportunity to be a child again, do things you would never have thought of doing as an adult, and look at all the things around them through children’s eyes, who are curious and innocent. Did you not pay attention to strange butterflies and insects in your life? They will be back when you have children.


Being a great mother is providing your child with every day. Take care of her.

It’s about setting a good example. It’s also about acknowledging a person’s human nature and their imperfections. Learn to be gracious when you behave negatively.

It’s about organizing ourselves by objectively determining our priorities and eliminating everything else.

It’s a practice of active listening when focusing closely on the child. Reframing and asking questions will prove to him that we’ve been able to hear and understand his message.

Being a good mother requires being able to create a safe environment for yourself with the right people and also being able to pass on the parent’s responsibility.

It’s about taking good care of yourself to be your best.

Being the mother you want to be is also about removing yourself from the eyes and opinions of other people.

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  • Hello, I'm Dr. Lakshika Kumari, a dedicated and compassionate family counselor with over 25 years of experience in supporting families through life's challenges. My journey into the field of family counseling began with a profound desire to help individuals and families build stronger, healthier relationships.

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